NGO for wandering insane NGO for homeless mentally disabled  

donation for schizophrenia patients
schizophrenia patients NGO,schizophrenia treatment in india
psychiatric rehabilitation centre

Mental illness in India has been considerably under invested in, given the lack of awareness, the stigma and the discrimination. More than 80% of the population has no access to mental health services. With poor awareness, economic hardship and lack of care, many Schizophrenic patients get separated from their loved ones and end up as roadside destitute.

Shraddha, started by Drs. Bharat and Smitha Vatwani, practicing psychiatrists in Mumbai, and ably assisted by Ashok Mohanani , Director, Ekta World, Dr Roopa Tekchandani, Practicing Psychiatrist, Denit Mathew - has focused on a single segment client definition, roadside destitutes who are mentally ill and need treatment, rehabilitation, and reunion with their loved ones. There is no known fully charitable Institution in India run by qualified professional Psychiatrists that services these marginalized members of our society.

Dr.Bharat & Smitha Vatwani

Typically these patients suffer from Schizophrenia, characterized by a profound disruption in thinking and perception, affecting the patient’s loss of sense of self, language and thought, and the impaired functioning causing loss of acquired abilities, leading to loss of livelihood and relationships.

Schizophrenia has three components to its treatment

Medication that mitigates symptoms and prevents relapse
Education and psychosocial intervention to help patients and families cope with the illness and its complications
Finally reunion and rehabilitation that enables the patients to reintegrate within their villages, their communities and society. In about 80-90% of the patients this much recovery is possible.
Innovative Experiments
While schizophrenia is treatable through medication, its effectiveness requires a supportive environment, productive engagement and socialization.
Unlike the claustrophobic custodial care of other psychiatric institutions where patients are locked up in building-type structures, patients at Shraddha are housed on a wide land area and permitted to engage in a range of productive confidence-enhancing activities including farming, vegetable cultivation, dairy farming, meditation and recreational interactions etc.
non-governmental organization for schizophrenia  



With professional social workers and care providers the approach is to rehabilitate the patient through preserving and enhancing productive confidence-building skills, while attempting a reunion with the patient's lost family.
The approach is more humanistic than professional and thus has a greater interest in its practice.

donation for schizophrenia patients
  NGO for homeless mentally disabled
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Psychiatric Care & Rehabilitation center for Mentally ill roadside destitutes & schizophrenia patients